
AI Music Blog

How to End a Song Naturally in AI Music Generator

Oct 10, 2024


When using to create music, some users encounter an issue where the song ends abruptly instead of fading out or concluding smoothly. For example, despite trying to guide the AI with specific extensions like specifying that the next extension be the final part of the song or to gradually fade until the song is over, the music often just cuts off unexpectedly. This results in a song that feels unfinished and disrupts the listening experience.

Solution: To ensure a natural ending for your songs created with, you can use certain annotations in your lyrics box such as [end], [fade out], or [outro]. These commands can help signal to the AI that the song should conclude in a smoother manner.


1. For a clear cut ending:


This command can direct the AI to stop the music clearly and neatly.

2. For a fading conclusion:

[fade out]

This has mixed results but is intended to gradually lower the volume until the song is completely faded out.

3. To introduce a concluding instrumental:

[outro] [Instrumental Fade out] [End]

This combination can create a more elaborate ending sequence, blending the fading of instruments with the official end of the song.

Additional Tips:

● Experiment with various combinations of these annotations to see which ones work best for your specific song.

● It might take a few attempts to get the desired effect, as AI interpretations can vary.

● If all else fails, consider manually editing the track using audio software like Audacity to add a fade-out effect. This can be a reliable way to ensure your song ends just the way you want it.